Bucket elevators:
Bucket elevator is to bridge the differences in height between the individual technological devices during the technological processing of the solid, different types of vegetables and fruits to be processed. In practice, this bridging means in almost all cases the transfer of the raw material or product to be processed from a lower technological level to a higher technological level. Bucket elevators can be installed anywhere in the technological production line. They can be made with a belt made of PVC or plastic and with a paddle.
Swan-neck elevator:
The task of the Swan-neck elevator is to bridge the height differences between the individual technological equipment during the technological processing of the solid, different types of vegetables and fruits to be processed. In almost all cases, this bridge means bringing the raw material to be processed, the product, from a better technological level to a higher technological level. Elevators can be installed anywhere in the technological production line. It is made with a belt with plastic members and a paddle.
Conveyor belt machine:
Its task is to provide the opportunity to manually remove individuals from the solid state of different types of vegetables and fruits to be processed, as well as to transport the products from one technological machine to the next. Conveyor belts can be installed anywhere in the technological production line. The belt can be made of PVC or plastic.

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